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10 Tips for Moving With a Toddler

A family of three with moving boxes in the process of relocating with a toddler.
A family of three, including a toddler, manages their relocation efficiently, packing moving boxes, showcasing the dynamics of moving with young children.

Moving homes is a chaotic and stressful task, and it’s made all the more difficult if you have a toddler at home. So what steps can you take to make this transition as smooth as possible?

Today we’re diving into our top 10 tips for moving with a toddler. With the right strategies and a lot of patience, you can turn this potential nightmare into a fun and easy process!

Keep reading to find out about some great moving tips!

A woman and a child engaged in planning and preparation, sorting items into labelled boxes in a living room.
A woman and a child meticulously plan and prepare for their move, sorting various household items into clearly labeled boxes in their living room.

1. Planning and Preparation

Sit down with your family and talk about the move. It’s important that everyone, including your little one, knows what’s happening. Even if your toddler might not understand everything, they can sense changes.

During these early stages, make a checklist of what needs to be done. This list will be your best friend throughout the moving process.

Break tasks into smaller, manageable chunks, so you don’t feel overwhelmed. Because moving is not just about packing boxes. It’s about creating a new space that feels like home for your whole family.

A mover standing next to a moving truck illustrates how hiring professional movers can take a big weight off your shoulders when moving.
A mover stands confidently next to a moving truck, symbolizing how hiring professional movers can significantly alleviate the stress of relocating.

2. Hiring Professional Movers

Choosing the right professional movers can take a big weight off your shoulders when you’re moving with a toddler. It’s all about finding a team that knows how to handle a family move.

Look for movers who come highly recommended by other families. They should understand that your child’s routine and safety are top priorities.

Explain to the movers ahead of time that you have a young child. This way, they can plan to make moving day as smooth as possible for your family.

Hiring professionals gives you space to focus on your child during this big change. They can pack, lift, and move your belongings. And you can save your energy for playing meal times, and more.

Parent and child are surrounded by moving boxes, keeping a routine by reading a book aloud before bed.
A parent and child, surrounded by moving boxes, maintain a comforting bedtime routine by reading a book aloud, illustrating the importance of stability during transitions.

3. Keeping a Routine

When your life is packed into boxes, and your daily schedule is off track, it’s more important than ever to keep a sense of normalcy for your toddler. Children thrive on routine. It gives them a sense of security.

When moving with children, try your best to stick to their usual meals, nap, and playtimes. This might seem like a small thing, but it can make a big difference in how your child feels throughout this transition.

For example, if every night you read a story before bed, make sure to keep that going. Even if you’re surrounded by boxes, take a break, find that favorite book, and spend some time reading.

It’s also a good idea to talk to your child about what’s happening each day. Let them know what to expect. This can help reduce any anxiety they might be feeling about the move.

Father and child packing items into moving boxes.
A father and child bond over packing items into moving boxes, turning the task into a moment of learning and teamwork.

4. Packing Tips

Packing with a toddler around might sound like a recipe for chaos, but it can be an opportunity for fun and involvement. You can try turning packing into a game where your little one is the helper.

You can give them small, safe tasks like putting their plush toys into a box. This keeps them busy and also makes them feel like they’re part of the process.

Kids love to mimic adults, and this is a perfect chance for them to do just that productively.

For safety, keep all your packing materials like scissors, tape, and especially small items that could be choking hazards out of reach. You might think it’s obvious, but it’s easy to forget in the hustle and bustle of packing.

Family preparing for their move with an open trunk full of luggage and moving day kit.
A family prepares for their move, efficiently organizing their luggage and essential moving day kit into an open car trunk, symbolizing readiness and organization.

5. Creating a Moving Day Kit

A moving day kit for your toddler should have all the essentials your little one might need throughout the day.

Include their favorite toys and a few snacks they love. Throw in extra clothes because accidents happen! And add anything else that brings them comfort and joy.

Having their comfort items close is crucial. Whether it’s a blanket, a stuffed animal, or a special book, these items can help soothe your toddler amid the chaos of moving.

It’s about creating a sense of familiarity and security for them in a situation that’s anything but normal.

Moving day can be long and unpredictable. Yes, this kit has things your toddler needs, but it also makes them feel safe, entertained, and cared for.

Two adults and a child playing on the floor in a newly childproofed living room.
Two adults and a child playing on the floor in a newly childproofed living room.

6. Childproofing the New Home

Once you arrive at your new home, one of the first things on your mind should be making it safe for your toddler. Childproofing is crucial because even if your previous home was safe for your little explorer, this new environment might have different dangers.

Start with the basics. Secure heavy furniture to the walls and cover electrical outlets. Make sure all harmful chemicals are stored out of reach.

These are the immediate actions that create a safe space for your toddler to explore.

Don’t forget to check the windows and stairs. Installing guards and gates can prevent falls, a common concern in unfamiliar settings.

Also, keep an eye out for sharp corners on furniture and consider adding corner protectors right away. This might seem like a lot to do when you’re just moving in, but safety checks like these are essential to prevent accidents.

Creating a child-friendly home is about constant vigilance and adapting to new challenges as your toddler grows and explores more.

An adult and a child explore their new environment together in a garden.
An adult and a child explore their new surroundings together, bonding as they discover the wonders of their garden.

7. Exploring the New Environment

Moving to a new home means a new world for your toddler to explore. Start by taking them on a tour around the house. Show them each room, pointing out where their toys and clothes are now.

This helps them understand the new layout and where they can find their things.

Next, venture outside. Whether it’s the backyard, nearby parks, or playgrounds, outdoor exploration is important. It’s a fun way for your child to feel connected to their new community.

These outings can also help ease any worries they might have about the move. They’ll see that there are fun and familiar activities, just like at their old home.

By encouraging them to explore and find new favorite spots, you’re showing them that this new place can be just as safe and fun as the old one.

A family with a man and a woman maintaining patience and understanding with their child while sitting together on a sofa in a living room setting.
A family, featuring a man and a woman, demonstrates patience and understanding as they engage with their child, seated together on a sofa in their living room.

8. Maintaining Patience and Understanding

Moving is a big deal for everyone, but it can be especially challenging for toddlers. They might not fully understand what’s happening, which can lead to confusion and stress.

During this time, it’s common for toddlers to show changes in their behavior. They might become more clingy or have more tantrums. They might even regress in areas where they’ve previously made progress, like potty training.

Parents need to stay patient and understanding. Recognize that your toddler’s world is changing in ways they can’t control.

Show them extra love and reassurance. When they act out, try to respond with empathy rather than frustration.

Explain what’s happening in simple terms they can grasp. Let them know it’s okay to feel upset or scared.

Spend quality time together, offer lots of hugs, and be there to listen. This can help your toddler feel secure despite the upheaval.

Children playing on a playground while an adult supervises from a nearby bench, understanding it's important to help your toddler make new friends in your new location.
An adult attentively supervises children playing on a playground, fostering a secure environment that encourages their toddler to make new friends in their community.

9. Staying Connected

Moving often means leaving behind friends, family, and familiar faces. This can be hard for everyone, especially toddlers.

Video calls can be a fun way for your toddler to see and speak with people they miss. You can also encourage old friends or family to send letters or small packages.

At the same time, it’s important to help your toddler make new friends in your new location.

Playgrounds are great places to meet other parents and children. Community events and story times at libraries are great too.

These activities not only help your toddler socialize but also help you form a support network in your new home.

A family is adjusting and settling in after the move. Two children are outside their new house, one being carried on an adult's shoulders.
Two children enjoy the outdoors near their new house, with one joyfully riding on an adult’s shoulders, as the family settles into their new environment.

10. After the Move: Adjusting and Settling In

After you’ve moved, it’s time to help your family settle into your new home. The first step is establishing a new routine.

Kids thrive on routine because it gives them a sense of security and normalcy. Start by setting up familiar routines from your old home, like mealtimes, bedtimes, and playtimes. This can help your toddler adjust more quickly to the new environment.

As your family starts to settle in, keep reassuring your toddler that this new place is safe and that you’re there for them.

It’s normal for them to need extra comfort during this transition period. Spend quality time together exploring your new home and neighborhood.

Find new favorite spots together, like a nearby park or a reading nook in your house.

Creating a positive atmosphere at home is key. Focus on the exciting parts of moving to a new place.

Gradually, your new house will start to feel like home, filled with new memories and laughter.

Parkview Moving, assisting a family with their relocation in Ottawa, with one mover giving a thumbs-up gesture indicating a stress-free move.
A Parkview Moving team member gives a thumbs-up beside a moving truck, symbolizing a stress-free relocation process for a family in Ottawa.

The Best Tips for Moving With a Toddler

Remember that moving with a toddler can be a positive experience with the right approach.

By following these tips for moving with a toddler, you’re not just navigating a location change. You’re setting the stage for your family’s next great adventure together!

Parkview Moving offers stress-free moving services in Ottawa. There are no hidden fees or fine print that’s too hard to understand. Our many amazing customers trust our team of movers and we hope for the chance to prove it to you too. Get in touch today for help with your move!

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Whether you are moving across Ottawa or across the country, you are in good hands when you choose the team at Parkview Moving Co. Contact our local moving company in Ottawa today for a free quote on all our moving services.

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